Scalp and Peripheral Neuropathy Acupuncture Techniques:
Scalp Acupuncture
Participants will learn the various forms of scalp acupuncture.
TCM Scalp Acupuncture uses is a projection of cerebro-cortical functional areas of the scalp to treat neurological, musculoskeletal & psychological disorders.
Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is a complete acupuncture microsystem of the scalp utilizing Basic (anatomical) and Ypsilon (channel) points to affect the human body through the bioelectric and biochemical systems, enabling the patient to move toward balance & harmony.
Zhu Scalp Acupuncture is based on theories of TCM, including Yin-Yang, 5-Elements, Zang-Fu, Qi & Blood, and Meridian theory, but incorporates western medical theory in treatment & diagnosis.
Peripheral Nerve Entrapment Syndrome - suited specifically for those who have an acupuncture or dry needling background.
Peripheral Nerve Entrapments are common clinical disorders of peripheral nerves that can be either compressive or non-compressive neuropathies. They occur at specific locations, such as where a nerve courses through fibrous tunnels, or penetrates muscles.
Neurological Disorders
We will review treatment patterns for common neurological disorders that may be seen in practice.